You don’t have to be tied to a life you hate.

wife, amateur interior designer, good deal finder, DIY attempter, full-time blogger & Disney adult.

I started blogging a few years ago because I had just gotten married and I needed a “side hustle” if we were ever going to be able to afford to enjoy our life. I was heading into my sophomore year of nursing school at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln. I had already realized I wasn’t cut out for nursing but we were already in $50,000 in debt so I was going to stick I felt tied to it.

Then I found blogging after desperately searching Pinterest for ways to make money online. Thanks to strangers on the internet trusting and following me and some strategy that I learned after going back to school for digital marketing and business I was able to turn my side hustle / hobby blog into a full-time job which allowed me to untie myself from the life I hated.

Here I share a combination of my life, affordable home and fashion finds, DIY’s, Disney vacations, and tips and tricks to help other women who want to pursue blogging or influencing as a full-time career.

Tie yourself to what you love.

Tie yourself to what you love. •

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